Preliminary results of a study comparing Atmo Biosciences’ novel ingestible gas-sensing capsule with a validated wireless motility capsule indicate that the Atmo capsule is a safe and promising tool to assess gut transit time.

Data from the Monash University comparative study, led by Professor Peter Gibson, was presented in a poster at the Meeting of the Federation of Neurogastroenterology & Motility (FNM 2020), held in Adelaide last week.

Atmo Biosciences on the Modern Health Nerd Podcast

Our CEO Malcolm Hebblewhite recently chatted with Theresa “Sam” Houghton of The Modern Health Nerd podcast about how Atmo is shining a light on the mysteries of the human gut, and what that could mean for the millions of people who suffer from gut disorders like IBS and IBD.

Listen to the discussion below or search for “The Modern Health Nerd” on Apple Podcasts, Overcast or Spotify.