Study results presented at AGW show Atmo Gas Capsule can be used to assess regional gastrointestinal transit in healthy adults
A Monash University comparative study has found Atmo Biosciences’ novel ingestible gas-sensing capsule to be similar to a validated wireless motility capsule (WMC) when assessing regional gastrointestinal transit time in healthy adults.
Findings from the study, led by Professor Peter Gibson, are being presented in a poster at Australian Gastroenterology Week (AGW), being held virtually this week.
In the study, 60 healthy volunteers ingested the gas-sensing capsule and WMC in random order and compared their transit time through the different regions of the gastrointestinal tract.
Results showed there was no statistically significant difference between the WMC and gas-sensing capsule transit times for the small bowel, large bowel or whole gut. The study also found the Atmo capsule to be safe and well-tolerated by all participants.